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HR Ecosystem Awards: Employee healthcare category

Hand in hand with technological advancements, the concept of employee healthcare has rapidly transformed since the onset of Covid-19 and its present aftermath. The HR Ecosystem Awards’ Employee Healthcare category will turn our gaze to organisations that help HR nurture worker wellness and offer comprehensive health packages in the new normal. This celebration of excellence also celebrates the drastic changes the world has undergone in view of employee wellness, yielding healthier communities and work-life balance across Southeast Asia.

Employee Healthcare as a category will identify the best strategies and innovations standing up against the global epidemic of physical and mental exhaustion and detrimental work lifestyles. Chief of Staff Asia seeks to provide well-deserved commendation and attention to those who have innovated optimal healthcare solutions tailored to their clients’ industries and contexts. The finalists and winner of this category will be those who are a clear testament to how proper healthcare services for HR yield transformation on an organisational scale.

Key Assessment Criteria:

Judges evaluating the finalists and selecting the ultimate winners will focus on two key criteria that define excellence in employee healthcare:

  • Criteria #1 – Value-Adding Coverage: The partner or solution’s capability to provide employee healthcare coverage that adds significant value to the well-being of the client organisation’s workforce, ensuring comprehensive and beneficial healthcare services.
  • Criteria #2 – Innovative and Bespoke Programs: The partner or solution’s potential to offer innovative and tailor-made health insurance programs, specifically designed to meet the unique needs and circumstances of the client organisation and its employees, ensuring optimal healthcare solutions where appropriate.


The Essential Guide to Nominating: Employee healthcare

Nominations are open for:

  • Organisations and Teams in:
    • Southeast Asia

Nominees need to answer the ff: (suggested responses of 20-250 words each):

  • Ability of the partner or solution to deliver value-adding healthcare coverage across the client organisation’s workforce.
  • Ability of the partner or solution to offer innovative, bespoke health insurance programmes where appropriate. (optional)

Nominees are also able to provide digital files, images, or video in support of their answers.

Other details required:

  • Name and contact details of the person nominating
  • Type of nomination (Partner, Solution, Both) 


Click here to nominate your organisation for the Employee healthcare category.

Click here to find out more about the HR Ecosystem Awards,
including other categories, key dates, and frequently asked questions.

Nominations must close on October 29, 2023.

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Chief of Staff Asia